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Want to learn magic?.

With over 12+ years of being in the industry and around individuals of the craft. I have the knowledge and the "know how" to help you excel in the magical arts as well!

Just imagine this! Coins, cards, and everyday objects obey your every comand. Vanishes, appearances, levitations and so much more......whenever and where ever! The knowledge that you gain will last a life time!

Take your new found skills to work and in life!

1)Build confidence in yourself

2)Become a better speaker and presenter

3)Astablish new relationships both romantic and platonic

4)Be able to do things others can NOT!

5)Be astonishing!

Hourly sessions once a week so you have time to practice your new found skills. In the Phoenix Metro area 1 on 1 personal sessions or Via skype OR facetime is anywhere in the world. The choice is yours!

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